
I love music!

I play have played around with many musical instruments, including the piano, the guitar, the ukulele, and the plastic little recorder we learned back in primary school.

When I get really bored like during COVID-19 quarantine or when I feel really upset/happy, I'd Youtube myself play musical instruments, and here is one:

Update Summer, 2022: I've been hacking around with music prodution recently, and I wanted to share this random piece that I created. It's called InitCommit because it is the first DTM that I made. Cheers!

sindyleaf · InitCommit

Update Christmas, 2022: I joined a band called SummerOverdose recently and I am really really excited about that. Check out our first live show!

Update Spring, 2023: I've been learning music composition from Yujing Bai since last year. Here I am sharing my first composition homework here: Overture in C, Op.1

sindyleaf · Overture in C, Op.1